
Indonesian movies; can we keep up with the market demand

There is no doubt that Indonesian movies can be compared with asia or even international movies. For examples, “The Raid” (2011) that showed in Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) and received positive reviews from many critics in the world. “No frills and all thrills, The Raid : Redemption is an inventive action film expertly paced and edited for maximum entertainment” posted on Rotten Tomatoes, one of known critics website. But there’s a fact, that we can’t denied, that Indonesian market can’t break the rules of market demand.

Indonesian market always look for the new trend and it is hard to break through it. After ”Jelangkung” (2001), there was a trend of horror genre that was followed by ”Pocong” (2006) and “Kuntilanak” (2006). The next trend was the religious genre that was pioneered by “Ayat-ayat cinta” (2008). And now, we back to the horror genre with a spin of comedic-porn in it. There was some good movies that worth to watch in a year but it can be count with our finger.

I’m actually a big fan of Indonesian movies, like  “Ada Apa Dengan Cinta?”(2002), “Arisan”(2003), “Rumah Dara” (2009), “Modus Anomali”(2012), and many more. But I’m getting more and more concerned of Indonesian movies’ industry that always demand to produce movie with a “popular” genre, and sometimes not looking for the quality of the movie itself.

I believe Indonesian movies will make a comeback that can wow-ed the international market. But first we have to overcome what we called crisis of Indonesia genre and elevate the quality of the movies. 


How to overcome boredom in class

Ever find yourself in the middle of the class and your lecturer talks really softly or their handwriting looks like a group of ant that walks on the chalkboard? Well, at first you will pay some respect and try to pay attention, but as the time goes by you start to bored and peek on your watch every few minutes, or ask your friend how many minutes left till the lecture end. That behavior is what we called “clock watching”. Sometimes boredom can lead to the temptation of sleeping on your seat. So, how can we overcome boredom in class?

Try to sit on the front row, it will force you to pay more attention on the lecturer. Sometimes you find some interesting and funny things about your lecturer and it will make you entertained. But then, don’t forget to focused on the subject again.

Make a good notes in class. Use some color pen and make some interesting drawing to complete it. Not just you can understand the lecture more, but also you can stay away from boredom and sleepiness.

Bring some snacks to eat it in class. I know it is prohibited but it works for me somehow. Just remember to not consume too much sugary snack cause it will make you more and more sleepy. If the lecturer in class was very strict on the rules of eating in class and also have a sharp eyes, try to consume some gum or candy instead of chips or cookies.

This is the extreme way but effective in many ways. Slap your own cheek or pinch yourself. By hurting yourself you will stay awake and focus. And if it is not effective, ask your friend to do the job. Try to substitute the energy of anger towards your friends (if they slap or pinch to hard) into the positive energy that make you more focus to follow the lecture through the end.

I know that what I suggest is kinda silly, but it works when I am bored in class. Hope you can find a way to overcome your boredom in class.